Arquivos de autores: medforethought

How to Keep Your Intervertebral Discs Healthy

Intervertebral discs are cartilaginous tissues connecting the vertebrae, situated between adjacent spinal bones. They consist [...]

Digital Posture Analysis Technology for Chiropractors

Scoliosis is a common spinal condition that can become a serious health issue not only [...]

‘.The Benefit of Spinal and Postural Screening

Scoliosis is a common health issue that can adversely affect individuals’ quality of life and [...]

‘.What is AIS Scoliosis in the Spine and How do People Get AIS Scoliosis?

Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) is a common yet serious spinal condition that significantly affects the [...]

Forethought dá as mãos ao CMEF | Um novo capítulo de saúde para todos

Em 14 de abril de 2024, a 89ª Feira Internacional de Equipamentos Médicos da China (CMEF) foi concluída com sucesso em [...]

‘.Overview of Cobb Angle Scoliosis Diagnosis

On April 14, 2024, the 89th China International Medical Equipment Fair (CMEF) successfully concluded at [...]

'.Quais são os melhores exercícios para fazer o tratamento da lordose lombar?

Lumbar lordosis is a common spinal issue that affects the quality of life for many [...]

'.Pontos-chave sobre a escoliose ortopédica pediátrica

On April 14, 2024, the 89th (CMEF) China International Medical Equipment Fair successfully concluded at [...]

Quais são os equipamentos para monitoramento da coluna vertebral?

What Are The Equipments For Spinal Monitoring?Spinal monitoring plays a critical role in modern healthcare, [...]

How To Measure Spine Curvature?

How To Measure Spine Curvature? The spine serves as the primary support structure of the [...]